How does it work?

The Santa Energia is the only smartphone recharge totem in the market that employs facial recognition as a method of opening of the slots, without the necessity of keys or passwords.

The interaction is made through a touchscreen, where the user easily and intuitively activates the feature and unlocks the drawer.


Safe and Simple Use

Passo 1


Select charge your phone from the home screen.

Passo 2


Choose the compatible cable.

Passo 3


Align your eyes with the virtual glasses displayed onscreen and press the red button.

Passo 4


The slot will open automatically. Connect your smartphone and close the drawer.

Possible Methods of Drawer Opening

Facial Recognition

This Santa Energia exclusive feature, allows the opening of drawers in a safe way, without the necessity of keys, cards or passwords. Utilizing a camera and an algorithm, its easy and safe to use.

Magnetic Strip Card

As an option, the opening of the drawers can be made by a credit or fidelity card, provided it presents a magnetic strip.


There is the possibility of using tokens (unique expirable passwords), which, in turn, increases the possibilities of customer interaction. Consequently, it is possible, for example, to direct users to your establishment to meet a new line of products or consume a minimum amount in order to receive a unique password. This feature also provides the possibility of sale of recharges in settings where no outlets are available.